office for lease PentStudio West Lake Hanoi

699 Lac Long Quan, Tay Ho District, Hanoi


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PentStudio West Lake Hanoi, Đường Lạc Long Quân, Phú Thượng, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

❃ Is the rental price of PentStudio West Lake Hanoi the best price yet?

All is the asking price, Odin Land will support the best negotiation with the official price will be reduced from 5-20% & many other incentives.

➤ Do tenants have to pay Odin Land fees when renting PentStudio West Lake Hanoi?

All regular tenants are free. In addition, Odin Land has many other special promotions.

❃ Can the lease conditions of PentStudio West Lake Hanoi be negotiated anymore?

All rental conditions are negotiable. Odin Land will support the best.

➤ Available area, rent, rental conditions at PentStudio West Lake Hanoi?

Please contact: 0933.248.000 to receive detailed information.

❃ What areas does PentStudio West Lake Hanoi have for lease?

There will be a different space available from time to time, please contact 0933.248.000 for more details.

Contact detail

Dao My Thao

Senior Consultant