office for lease Alpha Building

34 Bach Dang, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh


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The data is for reference only at the time of update.

Last updated on: 25/08/2023

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34 Đường Bạch Đằng, Phường 2, Tân Bình, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

❃ Is the rental price of Alpha Building the best or best price yet?

All is the asking price, Odin Land will support the best negotiation with the official price will be reduced from 5-20% & many other incentives.

➤ Do tenants have to pay Odin Land fees when renting Alpha Building?

All regular tenants are free. In addition, Odin Land has many other special promotions.

❃ Are the lease conditions of Alpha Building negotiable?

All rental conditions are negotiable. Odin Land will support the best.

➤ Vacant area, rent, rental conditions at Alpha Building?

Please contact: 0933.248,000   to receive detailed information.

❃ What areas does Alpha Building have for rent?

There will be a different space available from time to time, please contact 0933.248,000 for more details.