office for lease Capital Place

29 Lieu Giai str., Ba Dinh District, Hanoi


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The data is for reference only at the time of update.

Last updated on: 26/10/2023

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Tòa Nhà Capital Place, 29 Liễu Giai, Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

❃ Is the rental of Capital Place the best yet?

All is the asking rent, Odin Land will support the best negotiation with the official price will be reduced by 5-20% & many other incentives.

➤ Do tenants have to pay fees for Odin Land when lease Capital Place?

All regular tenants are free of charge. In addition, Odin Land has many other special offers.

❃ Can the lease terms of the Capital Place be negotiated?

All rental terms are negotiable. Odin Land will provide the best support to customers.

➤ Vacant space, rent and rent conditions at Capital Place?

Please contact: 0937.967.700 to get more information.

❃ What areas of the Capital Place are for lease?

Each time will be different. please contact 0937.967.700 for more details.

Contact detail

Dao My Thao

Senior Consultants