office for lease Daeha Business Center Building

360 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi


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The data is for reference only at the time of update.

Last updated on: 18/10/2023

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DAEHA BUSINESS CENTER, 360 Kim Mã, Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

❃ Is the leasing price of Daeha Business Center building the closing price or the best yet?

All is the asking price, Odin Land will support the best negotiation with the official price will be reduced by 5-20% & many other incentives.

➤ Do the tenants have to pay fees for Odin Land when renting the Daeha Business Center building?

All regular tenants are free of charge. In addition, Odin Land has many other special offers.

❃ Can the lease terms of Daeha Business Center building be negotiated?

All rental terms are negotiable. Odin Land will provide the best support.

➤ Vacant area, leasing price, and rental conditions at Daeha Business Center building?

Please contact: 0937.967.700 to receive more information.

❃ What areas of the Daeha Business Center building are for lease?

The area is from 68 – 102m2, however, the leasing area will be different over time, please contact: 0937.967.700 to get more information.

Contact detail

Dao My Thao

Senior Consultants